Career Opportunities in the City

Looking for a career opportunity in the City of Ekurhuleni!

Well, the opportunity within is just a click away. The City will no longer accept manual submissions of CVs and job applications. Candidates can now search and apply for jobs online – at any time, from anywhere.

Whether you are a school leaver, professional or tradesperson, we could have a position to suit you. The City of Ekurhuleni aims to be an employer of choice by attracting highly-skilled people who will add value to the organisation.

For Recruitment queries please email

External Candidates

Community members and all job seekers.

Internal Candidates

Only current City of Ekurhuleni employees.

Please create an account or login to access your profile. Once this is done, please enter your Identity number for verification

Skills Development Opportunities

An opportunity offered to inexperienced young adults and interested employees.